Hypnerotomachia Polifili, Francesco Colonna (1499)
Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1841)
The Machine Stops, E. M. Forster (1909)
Keep the Aspidistra Flying, George Orwell (1936)
How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie (1936)
Cybernetics, Norbert Wiener (1948)
The Human Use of Human Beings, Norbert Wiener (1950)
Faster Than Thought, B. V. Bowden (1953)
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas S. Kuhn (1962)
LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual, John McCarthy (et al.) (1962)
Behavior in Public Places, Erving Goffman (1963)
Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan (1964)
Act of Creation, Arthur Koestler (1964)
Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines, Marvin Minsky (1967)
The Sciences of the Artificial, Herbet A. Simon (1968)
Perceptrons, Marvin Minsky & Seymour Papert (1969)
Visual Thinking, Rudolf Arnheim (1969)
II Cybernetic Frontiers, Steward Brand (1974)
Computer Lib / Dream Machines, Ted Nelson (1974)
Mythical Man-Month, Fred Brooks (1975)
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs, Niklaus Wirth (1976)
Simulacra and Simulation, Jean Baudrillard (1981)
Literary Machines, Ted Nelson (1981)
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Edward Tufte (1983)
SMALLTALK-80 "Blue, Red, Purple", Adele Goldberg (1983)
Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman (1985)
The Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky (1986)
The Art of the Metaobject Protocol, Gregor Kiczales et al. (1991)
Being Digital, Nicholas Negroponte (1995)
Visual Explanations, Edward Tufte (1997)
The Age of Spiritual Machines, Ray Kurzweil (1999)
The Uncollected Baudrillard, Jean Baudrillard (2001 collection by Gary Genosko, ~1960s-)
The Dream Machine, W. Mitchell Waldrop (2001)
Beautiful Evidence, Edward Tufte (2006)
Live Graphics Nightly, Fred Lakin (2007)
The Second Life Herald, Peter Ludlow (2007)
Game Feel, Steve Swink (2008)
Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks, Ethan Gilsdorf (2009)
You are not a Gadget, Jaron Lanier (2010)
Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman & Amos Twersky (2011)
The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation, Jon Gertner (2012)
Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety, Nancy Leveson (2012)
The Myth of the Objective, Kenneth Stanley and Joel Lehman (2015)
Dawn of the New Everything, Jaron Lanier (2017)
A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century, Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein (2021)
The Metaverse, Matthew Ball (2022)
As We May Think, Vannevar Bush (Atlantic, 1945)
Man-Computer Symbiosis, J.C.R. Licklider (1960)
Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework, Doug Engelbart (1962)
Memorandum For Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network, J.C.R. Licklider (1963)
Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communication system, Ivan Sutherland (1963)
"Information", John McCarthy (Sept 1966, Scientific American Sept pg. 65)
The Compuer as a Communication Device, J.C.R. Licklider and Bob Taylor (1968)
Naming and synchronization in a decentralized computer system, D.P. Reed (1979)
The Emperors Old Clothes, Tony Hoare (1980, ACM Turing Award Lecture)
End-to-End Arguments in System Design, J.H. Saltzer et al. (1984)
The LOCUS Distributed System Architecture, Gerald J. Popek (1985)
A Plea for Lean Software, Niklaus Wirth (1995)
The Power of Context, Alan Kay (2004)
How, Alan Kay (2019)
Engelbart Talk (2004 Keynote)
Kay talks about a small number of Engineers working together on a well-composed and bit identical object system that consists of work areas that persist over time, there is no difference between operation, editing, presentation.
Beautiful Computers for Cynics Series by Ted Nelson
Last Lecture Randy Pausch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo
Free is a Lie, Aral Balkan
How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day, Tristan Harris
Winning the War on Error, Matt Might